I thought that the appropriate way to open this blog would be to introduce myself and what I'm going to write about. I am the mother of 2 beautiful children who are only 17 months apart. My son will be 3 at the end of February and my daughter just turned 18 months. My husband is a mailman so 6 out of 7 days a week, he is at work. I am home all seven.
Being a stay-at-home mom is a blessing. Seriously, it is the most rewarding job I could possibly have. That being said, it is also the most exhausting. My intent for this blog is to be totally honest about my journey through parenthood. Sometimes I feel like it's taboo to say that staying at home is hard, but I think that sometimes the best stuff in life is the most difficult.
If you're reading this as a stay-at-home mom who does crafts with the kids, is homeschooling, takes the dog for walks, exercises, packs your husbands lunch and irons his clothes, balances the checkbook, coordinates the meals ministry at church, knits blankets for the women's shelter, has dinner on the table every day when your husband comes homes from work, and keeps your house spotless every day...I hope you are entertained by my daily attempts to accomplish at least 1 of these feats. :)
But if you're the woman who wants to be the most loving, kind, supportive, and attentive mom and wife you can be, but frequently fall short in some areas...we can relate. Don't get me wrong, I do not feel guilty that I'm not perfect. Romans 8 is my favorite chapter in the Bible and I am determined to remember that there is no condemnation! I will daily thank God for the gift of my family and will laugh and be joyful through the ups and downs of my life as a mommy and wife...
I do it all, work and smile while I scrub the toilets. So I'll just sit back and judge you.
So kidding.
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